IEM Daily Feature
Monday, 03 June 2024

Wet Spring 2024

Posted: 03 Jun 2024 05:30 AM

Going into this spring season, the accumulated precipitation departures over the past year were of great concern. The winter season had been wetter than average, but amounts during the coldest part of the year are generally never going to be enough to erase long term drought. The featured map presents IEM computed and unofficial precipitation rankings for the March through May spring season by climate district. A value of 1 would represent the wettest on record since 1893. Almost all of the corn belt region is shown above average for precipitation with many of the districts in Iowa are in the top 10. All of the wet weather has put a delay on finishing the planting season and early crop development, but it is difficult to argue against all of this needed moisture to help replenish soil moisture reserves and put in some buffer for any potential upcoming dryness that typically visits the state each growing season.

Good = 14
Bad = 1