IEM Daily Feature
Tuesday, 09 April 2024

Inversion Data During Eclipse

Posted: 09 Apr 2024 05:41 AM

The featured chart is from the inversion station near Crawfordsville on the ISU Southeast Farm. The plot focuses in on the period around the eclipse yesterday afternoon. The top panel traces air temperature at 1.5, 5, and 10 feet above the ground surface. The second panel differences the 10 and 1.5 foot values. The bottom panel plots wind speed and gusts at 10 foot. This beautiful plot shows what happens when the eclipse starts rapidly decreasing solar energy as the near surface temperature cools more quickly than levels further away. A temperature inversion then sets up with the 10 foot value warmer than 1.5. This period also features a decrease in wind speed as vertical mixing decreases. Once the eclipse period ends, the various data traces return to about how they were prior to the eclipse.

Good = 15
Bad = 0

Tags:   eclipse