IEM Daily Feature
Sunday, 07 April 2024

Eclipse Cloud Cover Forecast

Posted: 07 Apr 2024 08:09 AM

The featured map is courtesy of an excellent website by Tomer Burg. The map shows a cloud cover forecast for Monday afternoon from the NWS National Blend of Models. Blue colors indicate less clouds and gray indicate more. There is still plenty of time for this forecast to change, but southern Illinois (and then adjusting on Monday as traffic allows) continues to look like the safest bet for any Iowans that are still wondering where the go. Given the consistent and poor forecast in Texas, the traffic situation seems problematic for areas to the north and east as some of those folks attempt to move in that direction. If you don't wish to leave Iowa, the far southeastern tip continues to look optimistic for being able to see a near full eclipse (~90% coverage) from that location!

Good = 6
Bad = 0

Tags:   eclipse