IEM Daily Feature
Tuesday, 17 January 2023

Tornado Warnings in January

Posted: 17 Jan 2023 05:30 AM

First it was the serial derecho of 15 December 2021, then it was the Winterset EF-4 tornado on 5 March 2022, and yesterday Iowa experienced a EF-1 tornado near Williamsburg on 16 January 2023! Each of these cold season convective events are remarkable and somewhat concerning to have happen during a time of year whose weather should be relegated to cold and snow! Having a tornado during January in Iowa is not without precedent as it happened once (at least since 1950) before on 24 January 1967 with 13 tornadoes that day. The featured chart presents the monthly number of tornado warnings for Iowa since 1986 (the start of the IEM curated archive). The four yesterday are the only shown for January, but the caveat is that pre ~1992 data is not of the best quality and the NWS was issuing tornado warnings prior to 1986... Anyway, still a very remarkable event and another cold season convective event for the weather history books!

Good = 11
Bad = 0

Tags:   tornado