IEM Daily Feature
Tuesday, 06 September 2022

Corn needs more time

Posted: 06 Sep 2022 05:30 AM

This is always a nervous time of year, crops creep toward maturity and chances of the first fall freeze creep upwards as well. The featured chart presents the period between 2,200 and 2,500 accumulated growing degree days by planting date for Ames. Bars that are gray indicate 2,500 units have yet to be reached, the absence of a bar indicates 2,200 has yet to be reached, and a colored bar indicates that 2,500 has been reached with the color showing the number of days between those two levels. While some corn did get planted in April, much of it did not get going until the rapid warm up on the second week of May. The good news is that there is no chance of a freeze in the forecast for the next week or two, in fact, it looks very hot and dry. Getting even late planted corn to maturity seems probable at this point.

Good = 8
Bad = 0
Abstain = 1