IEM Daily Feature
Thursday, 26 May 2022
Thursday, 26 May 2022
Soil Temp Nosedive
Posted: 26 May 2022 05:29 AM
The chilly air temperatures this week have not been helpful to soil temperatures. The featured chart
presents the daily average four inch depth soil temperature from the Ames ISU Soil Moisture site. This
year's data is plotted along with a simple long term average and each individual year is also plotted to
give some sense of the data range. Soil temps were riding high early last week with the record warm
air temperatures, but have since taken a nose dive with present values back below average like they
were back in early May. The good news is that much warmer weather is expected by Friday which will
quickly reverse this recent trend.
Good = 10
Bad = 0
Good = 10
Bad = 0