IEM Daily Feature
Friday, 29 April 2022

Warm Days Count

Posted: 29 Apr 2022 05:29 AM

For some portions of the state, temperatures were rather nice on Thursday with highs even over 80 for far western Iowa. Northeastern Iowa was a different story with rain showers and chilly highs in the 50s. The featured chart checks in on year to date accumulated days with a high temperature of at least the given threshold value. The maximum value is plotted along with a simple average, minimum value and this year's value for Dubuque. The 2022 totals are well below average for all thresholds of significance. The result of the persistent chilly temperatures this April are very cool soil temperatures yet in this area. It is certainly that time of year to get corn and soybeans planted, so farmers in the area are desperate for warmer weather!

Good = 16
Bad = 1