IEM Daily Feature
Thursday, 04 March 2021
Thursday, 04 March 2021
First and Last 60
Posted: 04 Mar 2021 05:36 AM
Temperatures on Wednesday were glorious for most of the state with Des Moines reaching 60+
degrees for the first time this year. The featured chart presents the period each year on record for
the site between the first spring and last fall day with a high of at least 60 degrees. The first and last
values are fitted by a linear trend line with the average shown as well. We were just about a week
later than average to see the first 60 degrees. And now we can look forward to the possibility of
seeing such nice temperatures all the way until the end of November! The forecast continues with
the nice temperatures as March comes in like a gentle lamb.
Good = 11
Bad = 0
Good = 11
Bad = 0