IEM Daily Feature
Monday, 03 August 2020
Monday, 03 August 2020
Three Inch Departures
Posted: 03 Aug 2020 04:54 AM
The drought situation for Iowa continues to be of great concern this growing season. The featured
map displays precipitation departures over the past month with a majority of the state below average
and some portions even more than three inches below average. Up until recently, west central Iowa
was the epicenter for the driest conditions, but now central into eastern Iowa has joined in. The
forecast continues to not look good for needed rainfalls arriving anytime soon. The clock is ticking for
rains to come to help rapidly maturing crops. The only good news is that temperatures will be cooler
until next weekend, which should help reduce some stress for plants.
Good = 9
Bad = 0
Good = 9
Bad = 0