IEM Daily Feature
Tuesday, 04 June 2019

Trouble with Planting Late

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 05:33 AM

The continued struggle with planting the agricultural crops over the midwestern US is well documented. With the calendar now into June, the planting window of time is rapidly closing. The primary reason is that our growing season is limited and the ability to accumulate enough thermal time (growing degree days) for crops to reach maturity before a killing frost decreases with each passing day. The featured chart attempts to illustrate this by presenting the frequencies of having a given planting date accumulate at least 2300 GDDs by a given fall date. The chart shows the overall frequencies on the left and the scenarios for this year given the year to date observations along with previous year's present date to end of year accumulations. The chart nicely shows the rapid decrease in percentages that happens once you cross into June.

Good = 14
Bad = 0

Tags:   gdd