IEM Daily Feature
Thursday, 02 June 2016
Thursday, 02 June 2016
Storm Attributes
Posted: 02 Jun 2016 05:35 AM
The most commonly seen product from a weather RADAR system is the base reflectivity
map showing hydrometer concentration at the lowest elevation above ground (~
precipitation rate). The NWS NEXRAD system also runs algorithms on this data to track
individual storm locations, intensities, and movements. The IEM archives these storm
attributes and the featured image presents two histograms comparing storm speed vs
direction and the direction vs week of the year. Of course, the majority of storms happen
during the warm portion of our season, but the bottom chart also shows a shift in storm
motion with spring and early summer storms traveling from the southwest and late summer
storms traveling more from the west. This has to do with the dominate upper tropospheric
flow patterns with the establishment of the southwestern monsoon season. The top chart
shows that the dominate storm direction is from the southwest. Storms travelling from the
north of west are slower moving. You can view this chart on this website for other NEXRAD
locations in the US!
Good = 10
Bad = 0
Tags: nexrad storm
Good = 10
Bad = 0
Tags: nexrad storm