Iowa Environmental Mesonet
Last Updated: 2 February 2024
The Iowa Environmental Mesonet [IEM] aims to gather, collect, compare, disseminate and archive observations made in Iowa and beyond. Unlike other mesonet projects, the IEM does not own or operate any of the automated stations. Rather, the IEM collects data from existing public resources. The result is a low-cost, high resolution mesonet for use in a wide range of disciplines.
One of the first questions we are often asked is, 'What does Mesonet mean?' Meso-net is a combination of two meteorological terms. Meso refers to a spatial scale on which Meteorologists define certain weather phenomena. In the context of an observing network, meso refers to a spatial scale at which a network of sensors can resolve mesoscale phenomena. Mesonet implies a spatially and temporarily dense set of observing stations.
The IEM would not be possible without the generous cooperation and support from federal, state and local agencies as well as the private sector. These groups have been very supportive of the IEM and responsive to requests made by the IEM. Among these include...
- Iowa Department of Transportation [IaDOT]
- Iowa State University & Department of Agronomy [ISU]
- Various broadcast TV stations
- National Weather Service [NWS]
Data Networks
As of the year 2024, the IEM is gathering information from the following:
- Automated Surface Observing System [ASOS/AWOS]
- Cooperative Observer Program [COOP]
- Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network [CoCoRaHS]
- River Gauges / Data Collection Platforms [DCP]
- Iowa State University Soil Moisture Network [ISUAG]
- Roadway Weather Information System [RWIS]
- Soil Climate Analysis Network [SCAN]
- US Climate Reference Network [USCRN]
Clearly, the aforementioned list provides a wide range of measurements for the state of Iowa. The networks have not been developed for similar purposes. The ASOS/AWOS stations are located at Airports in support of aviation and weather prediction. The SCAN site provides detailed information about soil conditions and has no direct application for use in aviation. The RWIS sites are located near major highways and provide pavement temperatures for frost forecasting and chemical application guidance. The ISUAG sites primarily monitor soil temperatures and augment precipitation observations in the state. The DCP network provides river gauging needed for flood prediction and observation. The COOP provides a daily weather record for climatological use.
If you put all of these networks together, you can see the value that each network brings. Combining them into one product is very difficult, hence the need for the IEM. Sites in different networks are not always similar in reporting routines. For example, many stations report wind information, but not every station is at the same height or not every station averages the same way or not every station reports in the same units. These issues are important to consider before beginning any quality control work.
If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.