Archived Data & Plots
This page contains a listing of archive resources. A brief description of each link is included to aid your search. If you are still having difficulty finding something, please let us know.
Multi-RADAR Multi-Sensor (MRMS) Archiving
The IEM maintains some unique archiving of the MRMS Project. The archive beginning date and variable coverage varies with the links below. There is a helpful Grib Table and you should use the MRMS Data Website for realtime data.
- ~Complete Hourly Zip Files
Oct 2019 - present
This is the main landing site to look for the IEM's hourly MRMS zip files. For fast access, it contains the most recent 40 TB worth of MRMS data with pointers to content that has been placed on the CyBox storage.
These are based on whatever was provided by the LDM NCEP feed and there is no mechanism attempted to repair any holes (quasi rare) from the LDM feed. - Mtarchive Daily Selected Files
contains selected grib2 files of interest and has a more aggressive process that attempts to fill in holes based on NCEP LDM or HTTP outages. This archive goes back to the beginning of MRMS, but the number of data types archived varies. - Current MRMS Files
provides files in a staging area before they are zipped up and uploaded to CyBox at the link above. This link does not provide anything more than the MRMS Data Website does.
NWS Watch/Warnings/Advisories
- Download Shapefiles
Download shapefiles of warning geometries and metadata. - Search by County/Zone
Find archived warnings by searching for a county or zone. - VTEC Browser
Interactively navigate our archive of warnings.
- Amazon S3 NEXRAD II Archive
Your first stop if you are looking for archived Level II files! - NIDS NEXRAD Data
NEXRAD data from the seven sites (DMX,DVN,OAX,FSD,ARX,MPX,EAX) with Iowa coverage. Since mid April 2002, all NIDS products are archived. Before then, only base reflectivity was saved. - IEM 2 day Level II Archive
The IEM maintains an archive of Level II data for roughly the past two days. - GIS NEXRAD Composites
Composites of NEXRAD base reflectivity. The raw files are found in the general IEM archive in the sub-directory called 'GIS/uscomp/'.
- NOAA Satellite and Information Service
A wonderful site to download historical satellite data. - NSSL Storm Tracker
Current and archived satellite imagery along with some derived products.
NWS Text Products
Please visit this dedicated page for information about the IEM's text product archives.
Raw Data
Directory schema details for the per-UTC date IEM Archive and MTArchive.
- BUFKIT archives
Iowa Only The general IEM data archive contains a sub-directory called 'bufkit'. This directory contains model point soundings for locations near Iowa. The archive started 25 January 2006 - 27 March 2015.
Mtarchive BUFKIT Archive This archive contains data for many more sites and models.
IEM API BUFKIT Webservice allows for nearest in space/time searches, atomic data download and more. - GEMPAK data archive
Archive of gempak products taken from the UNIDATA NOAAPORT feed. This archive dates back to 2001 and for some dates even further. - HRRR Model Archive
Archive maintained by University of Utah of the HRRR model. - IEM Network Data
IEM data in its original unprocessed form. ASOS/AWOS METAR observation, RWIS comma-deliminated data, schoolnet csv data, SCAN site format and COOP observations - Unidata IDD 6 month archive
Archive of raw data provided by Unidata for the past 6 months! - NCDC NOMADS Big Archive!!
Lots of raw model data and other goodies, a definite must-visit.
- Archived IEM Product Browser
This "time machine" interface allows for quick browsing of IEM Products. - NWS DIFAX Archive (2000-)
Excellent archive of the NWS DIFAX products. - Precipitable Water Climatologies
Fascinating month-by-month plots of PWAT climatologies for the RAOB sites in the CONUS - UCAR plot archive
Assorted RADAR, satellite, and model plots back to 1998. - IEM Generated Plots
Images and data products mostly displayed in real time on the current data page. Iowa Mesonet plots, hourly precip plots, mesonet stats and COOP precip plots are examples. - IEM Data in GEMPAK Format
IEM surface data in GEMPAK format. Data files exist with different combinations of IEM networks. - Model MOS Archive
NWS archive of model output statistics (MOS) - IEM's Model MOS Archive
IEM's archive of model output statistics (MOS) - NCDC Severe Weather Data Inventory
Extremely fancy archive of various datasets dealing with severe weather. - NCDC Snow Climatologies
Lots of great statistics on snowfall and snow depth. - PALS WX Image Archive
The PALS website generates hourly plots of US weather. Of interest are archives of RUC, ETA, and AVN model plots. National radar summaries, surface plots and other plots. - NRCS wind climatologies (1961-1990)
- Historical Tornado Tracks
- USGS Instantaneous Data Archive
Goldmine of historical USGS river gauge data.
US Daily Weather Maps
Data download forms
- AgClimate Daily Download
Download daily summaries of data from the Iowa AgClimate sites since 1986. - AgClimate Hourly Download
Download hourly observations from the Iowa AgClimate sites since 1986. - ASOS 1 minute download
Download 1 minute interval data from Iowa ASOS sites. - ASOS Download
Download observations from the airport sensors around the world! - COOP Raw Download
Download the raw daily observations from the NWS COOP network. - DCP Data Download
Download archived DCP data processed by the IEM. - Download Iowa RWIS Soil Data
This download page provides soil information collected by the Iowa RWIS Sites. - Download Iowa RWIS Traffic Data
This download page provides traffic data collected by the Iowa RWIS sites. - Iowa AWOS 1 minute download
Download one minute interval observations from the Iowa AWOS sites - NLAE Flux Sites
Download data from the NLAE Flux sites collected by the IEM. - RWIS Data Download
Download observations from the Iowa RWIS network. - SchoolNet Data Download
Download one minute interval KCCI-TV, KELO-TV, and KIMT-TV school network weather data.
Are we forgetting something? Please let us know of other archives that are available for Iowa data.
Publications Citing IEM Data (View All)
These are the most recent 10 publications that have cited the usage of data from this page. This list is not exhaustive, so please let us know if you have a publication that should be added.
- Matyas, C., S. Zick, et al. 2025, Comparing Reflectivity from Space-Based and Ground-Based Radars During Detection of Rainbands in Two Tropical Cyclones. Atmosphere. Volume 16, Issue 3.
- Grimley, L., A. Sebastian, et al. 2025, Determining the Relative Contributions of Runoff, Coastal, and Compound Processes to Flood Exposure Across the Carolinas During Hurricane Florence. Water Resources Research. 61, e2023WR036727
- Zhou, L., L. Harris, et al. 2024, Bridging the Gap Between Global Weather Prediction and Global Storm‐Resolving Simulation: Introducing the GFDL 6.5‐km SHiELD. JAMES.
- Grimley, L., K. Hollinger Beatty, et al. 2024, Climate change exacerbates compound flooding from recent tropical cyclones. npj Natural Hazards.
- Mathur, S. 2024, Interpretable Generative Models for Precipitation Forecasting. Masters Thesis, University of Texas at Austin
- Kurdzo, J., M. Donovan, et al. 2024, Impact of WSR-88D MESO-SAILS Usage on MRMS-Based Quantitative Precipitation Estimation. 2024 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf24)
- Wang, Y., L. Zhang. 2024, Using Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) to merge precipitation data over mountainous area in Sierra Nevada. Machine Learning (cs.LG)
- Bechle, A., C. Wu, et al. 2016, Meteotsunamis in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Sci Rep 6, 37832
- Knox, J., J. Rackley, et al. 2013, Tornado Debris Characteristics And Trajectories During The 27 April 2011 Super Outbreak As Determined Using Social Media Data. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. Volume 94, Issue 9.
- Duda, J., W. Gallus Jr. 2010, Spring and Summer Midwestern Severe Weather Reports in Supercells Compared to Other Morphologies. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 25, Issue 1.