Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

17 January 2025 Observation History, [UTRMD] US-91 at MP 39 Richmond , timezone: America/Denver

Select Date: Time Order:

Previous Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt Feels Like 1 hr
12:00 AMESE 3G 530 233076
12:20 AME 4G 431 242775
12:40 AMSSE 5G 730 232575
1:00 AMSE 3G 531 232873
1:20 AMSE 4G 530 232675
1:40 AMSSE 6G 830 222473
1:50 AMS 5G 829 222473
2:10 AMNW 1G 528 212874
2:40 AMNNE 1G 427 212776
3:00 AMNE 1G 327 202776
3:20 AME 5G 627 212277
3:40 AMESE 4G 627 212376
4:00 AME 4G 627 212276
4:20 AME 3G 628 222576
4:40 AMESE 1G 428 222876
5:00 AME 4G 528 222377
5:20 AMSE 6G 729 232377
5:40 AMESE 3G 528 222478
6:00 AME 3G 527 212378
6:20 AMESE 5G 729 232378
6:40 AMSE 3G 529 232979
7:00 AMSSE 1G 329 232978

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