Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

08 February 2025 Observation History, [S2206] Kingsville, timezone: America/Chicago

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Previous Day
Time Wind
Temp (°F) RH% Solar (W/m2) Precipitation (in.) 2 Inch 4 Inch 8 Inch 20 Inch 40 Inch
Air Dwpt TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC
12:00 AMSSE 670699507224.37122.87121.46927.8
1:00 AMSSE 670699607224.27122.97121.46927.8
2:00 AMS 569689607124.27122.37121.46927.7
3:00 AMS 569689707124.27122.37021.46927.7
4:00 AMS 770689507124.17122.57021.66927.7
5:00 AMS 570689407124.17122.57021.26927.7
6:00 AMS 47068940.047124.17122.57021.26927.7
7:00 AMSSE 470689221.297124.27122.77021.36927.7
8:00 AMSSE 4706893116.37124.27022.27021.36927.9
9:00 AMS 6726989264.971247022.27021.36927.9
10:00 AMS 8766979560.371247122.96820.76927.9
11:00 AMS 87969706717124.16921.86920.76927.9
12:00 PMS 8836860659.772247021.469216927.9
1:00 PMS 88767517257323.87021.66920.76927.9
2:00 PMSSE 8886648658.87423.57121.36920.76927.9
3:00 PMSE 8876854497.87523.67121.67023.66927.9
4:00 PMSE 108470633147623.47320.97020.66927.9
5:00 PMSE 9817170115.27623.27320.97020.56927.9
6:00 PMSE 87870764.867523.37421.67121.66927.9
7:00 PMSSE 976698007423.27321.67221.66927.9
8:00 PMM7469857423.17321.67220.96927.8

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