Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

10 December 2024 Observation History, [S2162] Vermillion, timezone: America/Denver

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Previous Day
Time Wind
Temp (°F) RH% Solar (W/m2) Precipitation (in.) 2 Inch 4 Inch 8 Inch 20 Inch 40 Inch
Air Dwpt TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC
12:00 AMNNW 7245430250261.4324.9353.2428.9
1:00 AMN 4234440250261.4325.1353.1428.9
2:00 AMN 3213450240250.9314.6353.2429.1
3:00 AMNE 2203480240251.6315.1353.1429.1
4:00 AMENE 1203470230241.6314.8353.3429.1
5:00 AMNNE 0152560220241.3315353.3429.1
6:00 AMM13262210230.9314.3353.2428.9
7:00 AMNE 04.77
8:00 AMN 113263129190221304.9353.3428.9
9:00 AMN 223545290.8190210.5304.4352.9429.1
10:00 AMN 430230421.1200210.7294.9353.6428.9
11:00 AMNE 234023504.4220220.5294.4353.2429.1
12:00 PMNNW 237122532.1240231294.4353.6429.1
1:00 PMSW 240220500.6260241.4294.7353.2429.1
2:00 PMN 342-116411280240.9304.7343.4429.1
3:00 PMS 441320269.8290251.3304.4343.4429.1
4:00 PMSSW 340220102.7290261.6304.7343.4429.1
5:00 PMSSE 1352243.23290261.3304.6342.9429.1
6:00 PMSSW 2313300280261.3314.6343.4429.1
7:00 PMS 2292310270261.6314.4342.9429.1
8:00 PMM28232260261.6314.9342.9429.1

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