Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

10 February 2025 Observation History, [S2159] Sand Hollow, timezone: America/Denver

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Previous Day
Time Wind
Temp (°F) RH% Solar (W/m2) Precipitation (in.) 2 Inch 4 Inch 8 Inch 20 Inch 40 Inch
Air Dwpt TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC
12:00 AME 44211280470500.1521.1530540.4
1:00 AMENE 54413280460500.1521.1530540.4
2:00 AMSSE 34313300460490.1521.1530540.4
3:00 AMESE 34213300450490.1521.1530540.4
4:00 AMSSE 24013320440480.1521.1530540.4
5:00 AME 24113310440480.1521530540.4
6:00 AMESE 13913340430470.4511530540.4
7:00 AME 23813355.57420470.2511530540.4
8:00 AMESE 3351341108.7400460.1511530540.4
9:00 AMENE 1411433333.6390460511530540.4
10:00 AMS 2441429493.9400450511530540.4
11:00 AMSSE 3491424612.7430450501530540.4
12:00 PMWNW 4531320675.5480450501530540.4
1:00 PMWNW 3541219672.6550.2460.2501530540.4
2:00 PMW 3571116602.3610.3480.1501530540.4
3:00 PMW 5601014472.8650.2510.2501530540.4
4:00 PMWSW 6601316299670.2530.4501530540.4
5:00 PMWSW 4601014108.5640.1540.3501530540.4
6:00 PMS 35610162610.1550.3511530540.4
7:00 PMSSE 3499190570.1550.3511530540.4
8:00 PMESE 2489210530540.4511.1530540.4
9:00 PMM501020490530.1521.1530540.4

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