Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

18 February 2025 Observation History, [S2151] Buffalo Jump, timezone: America/Denver

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Previous Day
Time Wind
Temp (°F) RH% Solar (W/m2) Precipitation (in.) 2 Inch 4 Inch 8 Inch 20 Inch 40 Inch
Air Dwpt TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC
12:00 AMSW 32421890297.72910.2299337.4
1:00 AMSSW 42423940297.42910.2298.8337.4
2:00 AMS 52618700297.62910.2299.2337.4
3:00 AMS 624208202982910.2299.1337.2
4:00 AMS 42421890297.82910.3299.1337.2
5:00 AMS 521199102982910.3299.1337.2
6:00 AMSSW 523198502982910.3299.1337.6
7:00 AMSSW 423188315.292982910.3298.9337.2
8:00 AMSSW 7201787197.7297.82910.3298.9337.2
9:00 AMSSW 11272076389.7297.92910.5299.1337.6
10:00 AMSSW 10282175523.5298.12910298.9337.4
11:00 AMSW 11302272682.2298.12910299.1337.2
12:00 PMSW 13311860647.8297.92910298.9337.2
1:00 PMSSW 11302067470.4298.42910298.9337.2
2:00 PMSSW 11302065377.2298.12910.5299.2337.2
3:00 PMSSW 92919642172982910.2299.2337.6
4:00 PMSSW 7282072121.4297.82910.2299.2337.4
5:00 PMS 929196759.49297.8299.9299.2337.2
6:00 PMS 72718690.28297.82910.3299.1337.4
7:00 PMS 92719700298.32910.3299.1337.2
8:00 PMSSW 92720730298.3299.9299.1337.2
9:00 PMS 62519780298.32910.4299.4337.2
10:00 PMM251979297.82910.4299.1337.2

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