Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

07 February 2025 Observation History, [S2018] Torrington #1, timezone: America/Denver

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Previous Day
Time Wind
Temp (°F) RH% Solar (W/m2) Precipitation (in.) 2 Inch 4 Inch 8 Inch 20 Inch 40 Inch
Air Dwpt TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC
12:00 AMSE 5278440326.6324.3323.873362.7
1:00 AMSE 5268470326.6324.2324.273363.2
2:00 AMESE 5239530326.3324.2324.273363.2
3:00 AMESE 52410550326.5324.2324.273363.2
4:00 AMESE 62210590326.4324.2324.273363.2
5:00 AMESE 72212630325.7324.2324.273363.2
6:00 AMESE 72213680.84315.7324324.273363.2
7:00 AMESE 820147440.29314.8313.9324.273363.2
8:00 AMESE 9241671210.6305314324.273362.5
9:00 AMESE 10291861387.2304.1312.132473362.5
10:00 AMESE 9351952552.5304.6313.9324.173363.5
11:00 AMESE 10442139529.9315313.7323.673363.2
12:00 PME 10482235547.5315313.9313.673362.7
1:00 PMESE 12562327592.1314.5313.5323.673362.7
2:00 PMW 14572327519.5325.6314.132473362.7
3:00 PMW 20662118282.9348.7313.8323.773363.2
4:00 PMW 16652219116.9359.4323.8324.473362.5
5:00 PMNNW 166122223.63359.6334.6324.373363.2
6:00 PMNNE 1434174903510.1334.9324.373362.5
7:00 PMNNE 82614600349.3344.632473362.7
8:00 PMM252079339.6334.8323.873362.7

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