Information Last Ob Photographs Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

10 December 2024 Observation History, [S2167] Dugway, timezone: America/Denver

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Previous DayNext Day
Time Wind
Temp (°F) RH% Solar (W/m2) Precipitation (in.) 2 Inch 4 Inch 8 Inch 20 Inch 40 Inch
Air Dwpt TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC
12:00 AME 215118402830334050
1:00 AMESE 214108502729334050
2:00 AMSE 21388302628334050
3:00 AMSSE 11398702528324050
4:00 AMENE 21188702427324050
5:00 AMESE 21078702326314050
6:00 AMESE 21078702226314050
7:00 AMSE 295854.912225304050
8:00 AMESE 29583106.12124304050
9:00 AME 2211576252.92124304050
10:00 AMSSE 4291658385.22123294050
11:00 AMSSE 3341749471.32124294050
12:00 PMS 33716424992324294050
1:00 PMSSE 3381641467.52425294050
2:00 PMSE 3391536378.32626294050
3:00 PMSE 3401433243.92727294050
4:00 PMESE 2401232912728304050
5:00 PMESE 43611351.692828304050
6:00 PMSE 42595102728314050
7:00 PMESE 425136002628314050
8:00 PMESE 421126702628314050
9:00 PME 326145902527314050
10:00 PME 422126602527314050
11:00 PMESE 426145902426304050

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