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09 December 2024 Observation History, [S2051] Everglades ARS, timezone: America/New_York

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Time Wind
Temp (°F) RH% Solar (W/m2) Precipitation (in.) 2 Inch 4 Inch 8 Inch 20 Inch 40 Inch
Air Dwpt TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC
12:00 AMNE 15756950688.96911.4
1:00 AMNNE 05856960679.16911.4
2:00 AMNE 25757970678.56911.4
3:00 AMNNE 35857960678.56911.4
4:00 AMNNE 35757970678.56911.4
5:00 AMNNE 35857960668.76911.4
6:00 AMNNE 25857961.05668.76811.4
7:00 AMESE 258579686.9668.76811.4
8:00 AMESE 2646191262668.96811.4
9:00 AMESE 8736371427.4678.56811.5
10:00 AMESE 9766056560.8678.36611.2
11:00 AMESE 9786054557.1689.16811.1
12:00 PMESE 8786054660.6708.56911.5
1:00 PMESE 8796155414.3738.77011.4
2:00 PMESE 8786156457.8718.86910.8
3:00 PMESE 7786055343.9728.87011.3
4:00 PMESE 6786055153.7738.87211.5
5:00 PMESE 375616114.99739.17212
6:00 PMENE 27063780729.37211.5
7:00 PMENE 26762850718.97211.5
8:00 PMNNE 36462920718.97111.7
9:00 PMNE 36462930709.17111.2
10:00 PMENE 26362940708.77111.7
11:00 PMNE 16261950698.77111.7

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