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09 December 2024 Observation History, [S2014] Molly Caren #1, timezone: America/New_York

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Previous DayNext Day
Time Wind
Temp (°F) RH% Solar (W/m2) Precipitation (in.) 2 Inch 4 Inch 8 Inch 20 Inch 40 Inch
Air Dwpt TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC TempVWC
12:00 AMS 949406904040424854
1:00 AMS 746459404040424854
2:00 AMS 947469704040424854
3:00 AMS 948479604040424854
4:00 AMSSW 1049489604040424854
5:00 AMSSW 1050499604040424854
6:00 AMSSW 950499704040424854
7:00 AMSSW 95049980.344040424854
8:00 AMSW 115049976.524040424854
9:00 AMSW 1252509423.454040424854
10:00 AMWSW 1352519444.624040424854
11:00 AMWSW 1352509058.84040424854
12:00 PMWSW 12524991232.34040424854
1:00 PMWSW 13545087229.14040424854
2:00 PMWSW 1153498851.644040424854
3:00 PMWSW 1251489047.894040424854
4:00 PMWSW 1150489017.354040424854
5:00 PMWSW 75047900.354040424854
6:00 PMWSW 649458704040424854
7:00 PMWSW 448448604040424854
8:00 PMSW 346439204040424854
9:00 PMS 244439604040424854
10:00 PMSW 144439604040424854
11:00 PMWSW 144429604040424854

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