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11 January 2025 Observation History, [TSHC1] ASH MOUNTAIN RAWS, timezone: America/Los_Angeles

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Previous DayNext Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.) RAW SHEF CODES
12:04 AMNNE 547 8434.86004714725512.646
1:04 AMNNE 346 8414.8600461697312.648
2:04 AMN 346 9424.8600463831312.646
3:04 AMN 445 9404.860045769412.648
4:00 AMM57 004470
4:04 AMN 444 9394.8600448716412.653
5:04 AMNNW 344 9394.86004434666312.652
6:04 AMN 342 10384.8600423535333312.654
7:04 AMNNE 542 10384.86004214712512.656
8:04 AMN 342 10394.8607428815312.657
9:04 AMNNE 343 10404.860164325629312.658
10:04 AMSSW 154 11564.86011754201622114.238
11:04 AMSW 558 10694.8604785821910223514.633
12:04 PMSW 560 10674.8605426021512226513.633
1:04 PMSW 460 9694.8605496022311236413.534
2:04 PMSW 759 8644.860479592161122471439
3:04 PMSW 657 8594.8601695721811219613.542
4:04 PMSSW 455 8554.86091552119220413.548
5:04 PMENE 050 8474.8602150618206013.360
6:04 PMNNE 446 9434.8600462071241369
7:04 PMNNE 445 9424.8600451772412.969
8:04 PMNNW 142 10384.8600423456335112.877
9:04 PMNNE 341 11374.8600411452312.779
10:04 PMNNE 642 11394.8600422193612.771
11:04 PMN 340 12364.8600406921312.679

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