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20 January 2025 Observation History, [KRTC1] KRN03 RAWS, timezone: America/Los_Angeles

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Previous DayNext Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.) RAW SHEF CODES
12:18 AMNNE 434 132945.4403424615412.889
1:18 AMNNE 336 143045.440363476312.882
2:18 AMNNE 532 152845.4403220722512.792
3:18 AMNE 332 162845.4403247720312.789
4:00 AMM42 3251
4:18 AMNNE 533 182745.440332188512.791
5:18 AMN 531 182745.4403112614512.685
6:18 AMNNE 533 192845.4403320711512.673
7:18 AMNE 634 212945.4403436924612.670
8:18 AMNNE 536 193445.4403617965513.260
9:18 AMNNE 640 183845.4404030916613.749
10:18 AMNNE 546 164645.4404630830513.538
11:18 AMSE 951 156045.4405114017108913.418
12:18 PME 852 126245.44052942442813.416
1:18 PMENE 955 126045.44055732149914.38
2:18 PME 756 106845.44056852262713.76
3:18 PME 952 106045.440529718171913.79
4:18 PMSSW 646 95145.4404619416561459
5:18 PMSSW 540 93845.440401951419451371
6:18 PMSSW 637 93445.4403720111228612.977
7:18 PMSSE 340 103345.440401478174312.952
8:18 PMENE 137 103145.4403777661112.862
9:18 PMNNE 534 113045.44034147163512.857
10:18 PMNE 337 113045.440373777312.847
11:18 PMNNE 436 112945.4403633732412.827

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