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21 January 2025 Observation History, [FWSC1] Fawnskin, timezone: America/Los_Angeles

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Previous DayNext Day
Time Wind
Temperature (ºF) Relative
Precipitation (in.) RAW SHEF CODES
12:34 AMNNW 323 5200.89023344151312.916
1:34 AMNNW 020 5150.890203327339012.917
2:34 AMNNW 215 5110.89015344515212.822
3:34 AMNNW 220 5150.890203377354212.815
4:00 AMM26 001537
4:34 AMN 123 5180.8902335577112.810
5:34 AMNNW 320 5150.8902034778312.813
6:34 AMNNW 224 5190.890243367355212.78
7:34 AMNNW 228 5230.890283377350212.86
8:34 AMNNW 233 6300.89033345884212.85
9:34 AMN 343 6510.89043350918314.23
10:34 AMNNW 347 6570.890473331057313.83
11:34 AMNNW 351 6640.890513441211313.94
12:34 PMWNW 352 5660.890522891210313.84
1:34 PMWNW 353 5660.890532991117313.86
2:34 PMNNW 353 5630.890533321127313.67
3:34 PMN 251 5580.89051354929213.78
4:34 PMNNW 245 5430.890453299349213.510
5:34 PMNNW 140 5350.89040339838113.212
6:34 PMN 432 5280.89032352546413.118
7:34 PMNNW 132 4270.890323484357113.122
8:34 PMN 328 4240.89028354435531324
9:34 PMN 327 4230.89027356535831326
10:34 PMNNE 126 4220.89026225351112.930
11:34 PMN 126 4220.89026354345112.930

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