Information Last Ob Photographs Calibration Meteogram Network Table Neighbors Monthly Summaries Observation History Wind Roses Custom Wind Roses Data Calendar

12 Jan 2025 Summary for ISUSM

Switch date shown:

This table lists out IEM computed daily summary values for this network. These values are derived from available observations and specialized summary products that some of the observation sites produce. The time zone reported for the peak winds are hopefully the local valid time (America/Chicago) at the site. There is a download interface for most of this summary information.

ID: Location: High: Low: Min Feels Like[F]: Max Feels Like [F]: Min Dew Point [F]: Max Dew Point [F]: Rainfall: Peak Gust: Time of Gust: Snowfall: Snow Depth:
AEEI4 Ames - Horticulture ISU-RDF34.4678 7.214 7.21434.46782.479685832.7849240
AHDI4 Ames - Hinds Farm34.907 9.032 9.03234.9072.244494431.3101940
AHTI4 Ames - Horticulture (Vineyard)34.8 7.6 0 229:30 AM
AKCI4 Ames - Kitchen Farm34.0214 8.132 -8.92340327.0119342.300594631.9708330 302:52 PM
AMFI4 Ames - Finch Farm34.4138 7.556 -9.00400625.4868622.867529432.6937560 293:33 AM
BNKI4 Bankston - Park Farm Winery (Vineyard)30.821 8.312 8.88830.61044.938962530.5363580 102:45 PM
BOOI4 Ames - AEA ISU-RDF34.0592 7.844 -10.91906726.291192.371010332.873530 332:40 PM
CAMI4 Sutherland - Northwest ISU-RDF29.3234 3.416 -11.77458316.605390.2223610124.6602230 355:29 AM
CHAI4 Chariton - McNay ISU-RDF34.5416 9.878 -4.03041627.3551774.342231831.6366560 261:30 PM
CIRI4 Cedar Rapids33.098 11.102 -5.460757731.15584.77682330.9597020 2710:06 PM
CNAI4 Castana - Western ISU-RDF36.4118 5.63 -4.498822729.9079041.457855332.352740 311:14 PM
CRFI4 Crawfordsville - Southeast ISU-RDF35.0366 13.838 -4.17900628.979297.411236332.5800550 282:23 PM
CSII4 Inwood - Calico Skies Winery25.4876 4.028 -8.7833713.353628-0.03457911721.3307780 289:00 AM
DOCI4 Jefferson - Deals OrchardM M 1210:15 AM
DONI4 Doon27 4.19 4.1923.2376-0.546447819.428030
FRUI4 Fruitland - Muscatine Island ISU-RDF34.4444 13.892 -2.380740429.0870677.028079531.3500820 276:24 PM
GREI4 Greenfield - Neely Kinyon ISU-RDF35.942 7.808 7.80835.9423.864139333.545670
GVNI4 Glenwood - Blackwing Vineyard39.6 8.5 -67.91087-57.088646-146.57234-136.62740 2611:00 AM
KNAI4 Kanawha31.9244 4.028 4.02831.9244-0.0861116330.806816 12:12 AM
NASI4 Nashua - Northeast ISU-RDF31.1 3.182 -16.63963928.9004-0.769498329.2863710 291:21 PM
NWLI4 Newell - Allee ISU-RDF36.1706 6.728 6.72836.17062.297104134.356620 11:06 PM
OKLI4 Lewis - Armstrong ISU-RDF37.5 8.2 0 2912:27 PM
OSTI4 Oskaloosa - Tassel Ridge (Vineyard)34.8368 10.796 0.456159128.731996.017797534.7162740 2111:15 AM
SBEI4 CFE - Ocheyedan25.601 2.498 2.49825.601-1.407088622.9986670
TPOI4 Masonville - Timeless Prairie Orchard30.0362 6.062 -7.542142427.4514-0.849667728.321050 3012:15 PM
WMNI4 Wellman33.3896 11.66 -5.000062526.1962074.979247630.344070 264:21 PM
WTPI4 West Point38.2 13.154 -2.93897127.9028456.089871431.4712180 261:21 PM

The data presented here provided by IEM API webservice: daily.json. A simple CSV option exists as well.