Automated Data Plotter
This application dynamically generates many types of graphs. These graphs are derived from processing of various data sources done by the IEM. Please feel free to use these generated graphics in whatever way you wish. Reset App. The IEM Explorer application offers a simplified frontend to some of these autoplots.
Second, select specific chart options::
Plot Description:
This chart presents the total number of Local Storm Reports disseminated by the NWS by month and year.Autoplot 171 produces a similar plot, but contains totals of Watch, Warnings, and Advisories issued.
This is how some of the LSR summary types map to database queries, FWIW:
- All LSR Types -
- All LSR Types except HEAVY RAIN + SNOW -
and typetext not in ('HEAVY RAIN', 'SNOW', 'HEAVY SNOW')
- One Inch and Larger Hail -
and typetext = 'HAIL' and magnitude >= 1
- Two Inch and Larger Hail -
and typetext = 'HAIL' and magnitude >= 2
- Three Inch and Larger Hail -
and typetext = 'HAIL' and magnitude >= 3
- Four Inch and Larger Hail -
and typetext = 'HAIL' and magnitude >= 4
- Thunderstorm Wind Gust >= 58 MPH -
and type = 'G' and magnitude >= 58
- Thunderstorm Wind Gust >= 75 MPH -
and type = 'G' and magnitude >= 75
- Any Wind Gust >= 100 MPH -
and typetext in ('DOWNBURST', 'HIGH SUST WINDS', 'MARINE TSTM WIND','NON-TSTM WND GST', 'TSTM WND GST') and magnitude >= 100
- Convective LSRs (Tornado, TStorm Gst/Dmg, Hail) -
and typetext in ('TORNADO', 'HAIL', 'TSTM WND GST', 'TSTM WND DMG')
- Convective minus automated station gusts -
and typetext in ('TORNADO', 'HAIL', 'TSTM WND GST', 'TSTM WND DMG') and upper(source) not in ('MESONET', 'ASOS')
- TSTM and NON-TSTM Wind Damage -
and typetext in ('TSTM WND DMG', 'NON-TSTM WND DMG')
- Winter Precipitation (Snow, Sleet, Freezing Rain) -
and typetext in ('SNOW', 'SLEET', 'FREEZING RAIN', 'HEAVY SNOW', 'BLIZZARD')
- Tornado + Waterspout + Funnel Cloud -
and typetext in ('TORNADO', 'WATERSPOUT', 'FUNNEL CLOUD')
Based on a sampling of recent timings for this application, plot generation time has averaged 2 seconds. Hold on for the plot is generating now!
View Data (as csv) Download as Excel
IEM Daily Features using this plot
The IEM Daily Features found on this website often utilize plots found on this application. Here is a listing of features referencing this plot type.
- 19 Feb 2024: Snowfall Local Storm Reports