IEM Daily Feature
Thursday, 22 April 2021
Thursday, 22 April 2021
Four Straight Days below 32
Posted: 22 Apr 2021 12:15 AM
Chilly temperatures again are present in Iowa this Thursday morning with Ames dropping below 32
degrees for the fourth straight day. Such a streak is rather exception for the middle of April as shown
by the featured chart. The chart presents the frequency that an individual day of the year participates
in a streak of at least four days in length with a low temperature below 32. Even for the beginning of
April, such a streak is below 10% frequency. If there is any consolation, the hope is that we are done
with this very chilly weather for the rest of the spring (famous last words!).
Good = 14
Bad = 0
Good = 14
Bad = 0