IEM Daily Feature
Monday, 07 October 2019
Monday, 07 October 2019
Transition to more Northerly
Posted: 07 Oct 2019 05:34 AM
The featured chart presents the monthly average wind speed and wind direction for Ames based on
period of record data for the site. The average wind direction is computed by vector averaging the
wind speed components. It is interesting to see the wind direction cycle from southerly during the
summer months to northerly during the cold season. Since Iowa is well far away from significant
bodies of water, our temperatures are often heavily influenced by the source region of the air mass
currently visiting the state. The wind direction gives a good first guess as to where the air is coming
from. The first half of this week will be very pleasant thanks to southerly winds present.
Good = 12
Bad = 0
Good = 12
Bad = 0