IEM Daily Feature
Thursday, 29 August 2019

31 Day Percent of Average

Posted: 29 Aug 2019 05:35 AM

The weekly update to the US Drought Monitor is due out this morning and likely not show much improvement in the state as precipitation continues to be elusive this summer. The featured chart displays daily departures from average of trailing 31 day precipitation totals for Wapello (far SE Iowa) since the year 2000. The departure is expressed in terms of percent of average based on period of record observations. The heat map nicely depicts time periods of above and below average precipitation. You can visually compare this August to last year's August and find a similar pattern. Will the dryness break in September again this year? This area of the state may fare well over the coming week with upcoming chances of rain, including today.

Good = 8
Bad = 0