IEM Daily Feature
Thursday, 22 February 2018
Thursday, 22 February 2018
Southeast vs Northwest Iowa
Posted: 22 Feb 2018 05:32 AM
While temperatures were below freezing for all of Iowa on Wednesday, the warmest
locations were found in southeastern Iowa. For the sake of comparison, how often is the
daily high temperature for southeastern Iowa warmer than northwestern Iowa? Using the
climate district averaged values for this question, the featured chart presents the daily
frequencies of having the high temperature one degree warmer for southeast vs northwest.
The overall average is shown and frequency for February is about 80% or four out of every
five days! While this frequency does drop during the summer months, the value is never
shown to be less than 50%.
Good = 10
Bad = 2
Abstain = 2
Good = 10
Bad = 2
Abstain = 2