IEM Daily Feature
Monday, 19 January 2015
Monday, 19 January 2015
Wind Advisories
Posted: 19 Jan 2015 05:43 AM
Gusty winds on Saturday prompted the NWS Des Moines to issue a Wind Advisories for
portions of northern Iowa. The featured chart looks at how common the Wind Advisory is
issued by week of the year. The top chart displays the number of years with at least one
Wind Advisory for that week and the bottom chart displays the total number of advisories.
The plot shows a peak number of events in April with near no events during the July-
September period. Strong sustained winds are driven by temperature contrasts and during
the summer months, these strong contrasts are difficult to find over the central US.
Good = 16
Bad = 3
Abstain = 4
Tags: warnings
Good = 16
Bad = 3
Abstain = 4
Tags: warnings