IEM Daily Feature
Monday, 28 October 2013

Common Temperature Rise

Posted: 28 Oct 2013 05:36 AM

After a very chilly start, temperatures warmed nicely in Iowa on Sunday with some places, like Ames, having a 40 degree warmer high than low temperature. The featured chart displays box and whisker plots for the daily temperature rise partitioned by month of the year. Having a 40 degree rise in October is not uncommon, but would be very rare in the mid summer. The box shows the 25th to 75th percentile of the data (half the observations) and the whiskers show the 5th and 95th percentile. It will be a bit before another very nice day like Sunday as wet weather is expected for much of the coming week.

Good = 37
Bad = 8
Abstain = 6

Tags:   highs   lows