Documentation for /cgi-bin/
This service returns a windrose plot or data table. There's a lot of options here to consider, so perhaps some examples are in order.
Example Usage
Plot a windrose for Ames, IA for the month of June 2021:
- 2024-03-25 The backend was migrated to use a pydantic schema, which will generate more structured error messages when the user provides invalid input.
- 2024-03-25 The sts and ets parameters were formalized and are timezone aware.
CGI Arguments
The following table lists the CGI arguments that are accepted by this service. A HTTP GET request is required. Fields of type Multi-Params or CSV value can accept either a comma separated list or multiple parameter and value combinations. For example, ?foo=1&foo=2 is equivalent to ?foo=1,2.
Field | Type | Description |
bins | string | Wind Speed Bins separated by comma |
conv | string | Wind Convention, either from (meteorology) or to (engineering) |
dpi | integer | Image Dots per inch (DPI) |
ets | string | End time with timezone included, otherwise {year,month,day,hour,minute}2 values used |
fmt | string | Output image format, one of png, pdf, svg |
hourlimit | boolean | Limit the data to the hour provided |
hourrangelimit | boolean | Limit the data to the hour range provided |
justdata | boolean | Return data table instead of plot |
level | integer | In the case of RAOB data, the hPa level to use |
limit_by_doy | boolean | Limit the data to the day of year range provided |
monthlimit | boolean | Limit the data to the start month provided |
network | string | Network Identifier, best to provide otherwise guessed |
nsector | integer | Number of sectors to use for windrose plot |
staticrange | integer | Static range for windrose plot |
station | string (required) | Station Identifier |
sts | string | Start time with timezone included, otherwise {year,month,day,hour,minute}1 values used |
units | string | Units to use for speed, one of mph, kts, mps, kph |
year1 | integer | Start Year, if sts not provided |
month1 | integer | Start Month, if sts not provided |
day1 | integer | Start Day, if sts not provided |
hour1 | integer | Start Hour, if sts not provided |
minute1 | integer | Start Minute, if sts not provided |
year2 | integer | End Year, if ets not provided |
month2 | integer | End Month, if ets not provided |
day2 | integer | End Day, if ets not provided |
hour2 | integer | End Hour, if ets not provided |
minute2 | integer | End Minute, if ets not provided |