From: Jessica Anderson Date: Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 2:05 PM Subject: twister looking cloud Be sure to include: 1. Exact time and date of the event. 10:00am Sunday 13 April 2008 2. Exact address and County, including road intersections if available. Commercail and NE 2nd. Eagle Grove Wright County 3. Provide a brief description of the event. Sunny day few clouds in the sky. This was one that caught my attention. This cloud looks like a Twister. 4. Please provide a name and phone number in case we need to confirm any information on your storm report. Jessica Anderson  515-448-9044 5. Do you have photographs or video of the event? Attach digital photos in .jpg format at 640 by 480 resolution. I have attach 3 pictures of this very weird cloud.