From: Jezem3 Date: Oct 7, 2007 10:18 PM Subject: Sunset tonight(10-07-07) in West Des Moines 1. Exact time and date of the event. - 6:30PM, 10/07/07. 2. Exact address and County, including road intersections if available. - 42nd and University in West Des Moines, Polk County - looking to the west. 3. Provide a brief description of the event. - My wife and I had just finished eating at a restaurant in WDM and we were walking to the car and we saw the sun peeking around this beautiful cloud.  What made the scene more unique was the curved jet stream. 4. Please provide a name and phone number in case we need to confirm any information on your storm report. - My name is Fred Gedden - 5. Do you have photographs or video of the event? Attach digital photos in .jpg format at 640 by 480 resolution. - Attached photo.   Fred