Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 15:17:00 GMT
Subject: Hail stones
This morning around 5:30 AM my family and I were awakened by a pounding
noise. It sounded like hail. I got out of bed and turned on the light
for the back deck and saw some pretty good sized ones. Hail in February!
The event lasted about five minutes and I took the photos in my backyard
and front yard about 3 hours later. It appears as though the cold ground
preserved them. I am located on the SE side of Des Moines, called the
Scandia-Magnolia area. I would be interested in knowing if this was
tracked by radar and if someone could make a graphic of it's path.
David Ortega
3bigstonesleaf.jpg Hailinfrontyard.jpg Hailwithtoy.jpg
Hailbackyard.jpg Hailstone1inch.jpg
From: LowellF
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 12:29:39 EST
Subject: hail in des moines
This picture was taken 2-20-05 at 5423 sw 16th st. It happened around
or so this am.Photo was taken by Lowell Abarr, ham call kb6sdi, weather