Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2004 15:01:12 -0500 From: John McLaughlin Subject: tornado path photos southern greene county Attached are images from the cooper tornado, beginning with the genesis point about 3 sw of cooper to the point the track became diffuse about 4 miles nw on a 030 degree heading. Was in the plane so couldn't get as close as with the chopper. Photos sized down for email.  The tornado began very narrow, then about 1 mile sw of cooper, had multi-suction vortices. It seemed to come back together as one vortex as it clipped the nw corner of cooper. In one photo, you can see the convergent swath in the corn, just w/nw of a farm home.  the storm continue for four miles to the nw where the convergent swath ends and more outflow dominant crop damage is evident.