162 ASUS63 KDVN 141217 RTPDVN Max/Min Temperature and Precipitation Table for Eastern IA/Northwestern IL/Northeastern MO National Weather Service Quad Cities IA/IL 617 AM CST Tue Jan 14 2025 Values represent highs yesterday...lows over the last 12 hours and 24-hour precipitation ending at 6 AM central time. .BR DVN 0114 C DH00/TAIRZX/DH06/TAIRZP/PPDRZZ/SFDRZZ/SDIRZZ : : Max Min Snow Snow :ID Location Temp Temp Pcpn Fall Depth : :ASOS Sites BRL : Burlington Arpt : 24 / 16 / 0.00 / M / M CID : Cedar Rapids Arpt : 19 / 3 / 0.00 / M / M DVN : Davenport Arpt : 20 / 11 / 0.03 / 0.6 / 1 DBQ : Dubuque Arpt : 17 / 4 / M / M / M IOW : Iowa City Arpt : 20 / 10 / 0.00 / M / M MLI : Quad City Arpt : 22 / 11 / 0.01 / 0.1 / T : :AWOS Sites--Data provided by NWS partners CWI : Clinton Arpt : 19 / 7 / / / FFL : Fairfield Arpt : 25 / 14 / / / FSW : Fort Madison Arpt : 25 / 18 / / / FEP : Freeport Arpt : 18 / 11 / / / IIB : Independence Arpt : 18 / -1 / / / EOK : Keokuk Arpt : 25 / 16 / / / MQB : Macomb Arpt : 24 / 14 / / / MXO : Monticello Arpt : 19 / 3 / / / MPZ : Mt Pleasant Arpt : 27 / 16 / / / MUT : Muscatine Arpt : 23 / 12 / / / VTI : Vinton Arpt : 20 / 1 / / / AWG : Washington Arpt : 23 / 10 / / / .END These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality control; therefore, these data are subject to revision. Final and certified climate data can be accessed at the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI - formerly NCDC) at www.ncei.noaa.gov. $$