519 ASUS63 KIWX 231229 RTPIWX Morning Temperature And Precipitation Summary National Weather Service Northern Indiana 729 AM EST Mon Dec 23 2024 Values represent yesterdays high temperatures...low temperatures over the last 12 hours... precipitation and snowfall over the last 24 hours ending at 7 AM LST...and snow depth at 7 AM LST. Northern Indiana...Southwest Michigan and Northwest Ohio Temperature and Precipitation Stations : .BR IWX 1223 ES DH00/TAIRZX/DH07/TAIRZP/PP/SF/SD :................................................................ : max / min / 24-hr / snow / snow : ID Location temp / temp / precip / fall / depth :................................................................ : : SBN: South Bend Intl Apt IN: 30 / 28 / 0.00 / 0 / T FWA: Fort Wayne Intl Apt IN: 30 / 27 / 0.00 / 0 / 0 GSH: Goshen Airport IN: 29 / 25 / 0.00 / M / M IWX: Northern IN WFO IN: 29 / 25 / 0.00 / 0 / 1 BEH: Benton Harbor Apt MI: 32 / 30 / 0.00 / M / M DFI: Defiance Airport OH: 30 / 25 / 0.00 / M / M AOH: Lima Airport OH: 28 / 24 / 0.00 / M / M : .END : This data is preliminary and has not undergone final quality control by the National Centers for Environmental Information /NCEI/. Therefore...this data is subject to revision. Final and certified climate data can be accessed at www.ncei.noaa.gov. : : :Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) Stations :................................................................ : max / min / 24-hr : ID Location temp / temp / precip :................................................................ ANQ : Angola, IN AWOS : 27 / 23 / 0.00 GWB : Auburn, IN AWOS : 30 / 25 / 0.00 OEB : Coldwater, MI AWOS : 19 / M / M EKM : Elkhart AWOS : 28 / 26 / M JYM : Hillsdale, MI AWOS : M / M / M HHG : Huntington, IN AWOS : 30 / 26 / 0.00 C62 : Kendallville, IN AWOS : M / M / 0.00 OXI : Knox, IN AWOS : 32 / 28 / M PPO : LaPorte, IN AWOS : 30 / 28 / 0.00 GGP : Logansport, IN AWOS : 32 / 28 / 0.00 MZZ : Marion, IN AWOS : 30 / 25 / 0.00 MCX : Monticello, IN AWOS : 33 / 30 / 0.00 OWX : Ottawa, OH AWOS : M / M / M C65 : Plymouth, IN AWOS : 30 / 27 / 0.00 RCR : Rochester AWOS : 30 / 27 / 0.00 IRS : Sturgis, MI AWOS : M / M / M HAI : Three Rivers, MI AWOS : 23 / M / M VNW : Van Wert, OH AWOS : 30 / 27 / 0.00 ASW : Warsaw, IN AWOS : 29 / 27 / M USE : Wauseon, OH AWOS : 28 / 23 / M : .END T = Trace M = Missing : The temperature data for AWOS sites represents the highest and lowest temperatures that were reported on the metar observations that transmit three times an hour and may not represent the actual high or low for that site. : : :-------------------------------------------------------------------- :Cooperative Weather Observation Sites .BR IWX 1223 E DH07/TAIRZX/TAIRZN/PPDRZZ/SFDRZZ/SDIRZZ : :Cooperative Observations :All observations are the maximum/minimum temperature and 24 hour :precipitation ending at 7AM, unless annotated by an **, in which :the :max/min temperature and/or precipitation are for 24 hours ending :at Midnight : :................................................................ : max / min / 24-hr / snow / snow : ID Location temp / temp / precip / fall / depth :................................................................ : :--Indiana-- ANQI3: Angola: 27 / 18 / 0.00 / 0.0 / 1 CHRI3: Chalmers 5W: 34 / 18 / 0.00 / 0.0 / 0 FRCI3: Francesville: 32 / 16 / 0.00 / M / M GRRI3: Garrett: 29 / 16 / 0.00 / 0.0 / 0 HTNI3: Huntington: 33 / 12 / 0.00 / 0.0 / 0 MZZI3: Marion 2N: 31 / 13 / 0.00 / M / 0 : :--Ohio-- NPNO1: Napoleon 1 SW: 31 / 13 / 0.00 / 0.0 / 0 : .END T = Trace M = Missing : This data is preliminary and has not undergone final quality control by the National Centers for Environmental Information /NCEI/. Therefore...this data is subject to revision. Final and certified climate data can be accessed at www.ncei.noaa.gov. : : :-------------------------------------------------------------------- :Supplemental Rainfall Data provided by USGS :Observations are of precipitation over the past 24 hours :ending at 7 AM LST. :................................................................ : 24-hr : ID Stream precip :................................................................ AQPI3: Pigeon Creek near Angola, IN: M BLFI3: Wabash River at Bluffton, IN: 0.00 FLTI3: Fish Creek at Hamilton, IN: 0.00 LRHI3: Little River Near Huntington, IN: 0.00 LYNI3: Wabash River at Linn Grove, IN: 0.00 WRNI3: Salamonie River near Warren, IN: 0.00 PRUI3: Wabash River at Peru, IN: 0.00 WABI3: Wabash River at Wabash, IN: 0.00 DAVI3: Kankakee River at Davis, IN: 0.00 TCNI3: Tippecanoe River at Norway Dam: M ORAI3: Tippecanoe River near Ora, IN: 0.00 SALI3: Salamonie River at Dora, IN: 0.00 : .END M = Missing T for Trace is not reported by these sites. : $$