Past IEM Features tagged: jul4

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Weather on the 4th

04 Jul 2013 04:55 AM
Happy 4th of July! The featured image presents the weather condition reported by the Des Moines site at 10 PM on the 4th of July since 1951, which is about the time of legal firework displays in Iowa! If the given year satisfies the condition shown, it gets a star on the chart. The left hand side then presents the number of years out of the past 62 that this condition has occurred and the numbers along the top show how many out of the four were meet for that year. Having rain during the 9 to 10 o'clock hour is the least common among these. This year would appear to have none of these conditions present with a very comfortable dew point, temperature in the 70s, and nearly clear skies.

Good: 47
Bad: 2

Tags:   jul4  

Looking good for fireworks

04 Jul 2011 04:42 PM
The fourth of July has been a spectacular day in Iowa with warm temperatures and pleasant humidities. The featured satellite image only shows a few clouds over southwestern Iowa. Looks to be a great evening for fireworks in Iowa.

Good: 3
Bad: 2

Tags:   jul4