IEM Daily Feature
Monday, 05 April 2010

Dew Points and Severe Weather

Posted: 05 Apr 2010 05:09 AM

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TO is Tornado Warning and SV is Severe Thunderstorm Warning
The featured chart presents a quick analysis of near storm environment for the archive of NWS issued Tornado and Severe Thunderstorm warnings back to 1986 by month. The box and whisker plots help to visualize the range of values common during the issuance of the warning. In general, dew points are a bit higher for tornado warnings, which is expected as higher dew points indicate more energetic environments and perhaps higher relative humidities (lower cloud heights). For April, once the dew points reach the 50s severe weather appears to be more possible. Some severe weather occurred on Sunday over far southeast Iowa, where surface moisture was available (dew points much higher than the rest of the state). Higher dew points are expected to make their way north today with a warm front and our chances of severe weather will as well.

Good = 18
Bad = 12

Tags:   climate   nws   dewpoint